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Clipping titled "Profosörün Katili İçin Müebbet Hapis İstendi" (Life Imprisonment Jail Requested for Professor's Killer)
Clipping titled "Makine Fakültesi Dekanını bıçaklıyarak öldüren talebe 30 yıl hapse mahkûm oldu" (He was sentenced to 30 years in prison for stabbing to death the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
Clipping titled "Türkiye'nin İkinci Vehbi Koç'u Birincisinin Aksine Meteliksiz" (Second Vehbi Koç of Turkey is penniless)
Newspaper page titled "Koç Yatırım ve Sanayi Mamülleri Pazarlama A.Ş. Halka Açılıyor" (Koç Investment and Industrial Products Marketing Inc. Going Public)
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